Featured on Nov 15, 2010
Yin Yin Chan
"You guys are the most annoying people on earth."
Once, when I was older than 2 and younger than 7, I almost got run over by a taxi running across the street getting really excited about beef noodle soup. If you've been checking yinyinchan.com for the past 4 months, you might think I finally took that sabbatical. Oh, I also hate it when credit card companies and the DMV assume the second "Yin" is a middle name. I'm stating it right here that it's not. I don't want to brag, but I also co-founded, designed and built this site.
- Title: Co-Founder, Developer at Onepager
- Age: 27
- Location: LES
- Contact: @yinychan
You went to college at Boston University for Hospitality and became a tech entrepreneur who programs. Explain yourself.
The robots will take over one day, so if you can't beat them, build a web app they can use.
What is your favorite startup here in New York besides your own?
I really like those Chinatown ladies that sell fishballs on the side of the streets. Their fishballs are delicious and they don't take crap from no one. And efficient to boot. My dad's favorite is the one on Grand and Eldridge and he generally speaks with authority whether he's right or not, so you should go try that lady's fishballs out.
I hear you love to eat. What's your favorite whiskey?
Oban. Don't I also get a 4th question? Is it because I'm a girl that I only get 3?