We Are NY Tech
The strength of New York's start-up community can be attributed to its diversity of talent and the strong collaboration between those involved. This is where you can meet the people who are making it happen.
Inspired by the New York Magazine Look Book and the timeless Who's Who in American High School scam, We Are NY Tech features the faces and profiles of our tech community. We were hoping to make a quick buck selling copies of the site to overzealous grandparents, but realized you can't make any money selling subscriptions to a website (just ask the Newsday).
Our goal is to embrace the communal nature of today's NY tech scene by highlighting all the different types of contributors in an interesting way. Every day (at 9AM Eastern) we’ll spotlight a member of our community. Whether you are a student hacking away in the dungeons of Staten Island or have sold six companies to Google from your DUMBO loft, we hope to embarrass you with some quirky questions and a funny picture.
We only have a few requirements to be listed:
- work has to be done on-site in the NYC metro area
- sorry but having a tiny remote office with a skeleton staff doesn't count as NY tech
- you don't offshore/outsource the meat of your company, like design and development
- be spontaneous in answering a few random questions, no press releases please!
- willing to be displayed in a photograph from head to toe, save your 8x10 glossy head shots for the corporate site
Whether you want to look at pretty pictures, hire a developer, or meet your next co-founder, we hope that this site provides you a better picture of those in our community than you'll find in a stack of resumes, links of LinkedIn profiles, or drunk angled Facebook photos.
This site was lovingly made by your friends at Onepager: Eric, Yin and Matt. You can email us at