Featured on Nov 16, 2010
Matthew C. Moore
"When in doubt, Long Donkey."
I'm a UX and visual designer sharing my time between client work and various startup projects. I don't take myself too seriously, but I love creating engaging and beautiful websites and applications. Whether it's a big public facing marketing site, or a tool that will make a handful of lives easier, I'm game for it. You can get a hold of me at matthewmooredesign.com or @matthewcmoore.
- Title: UX / Visual Designer
- Age: 28
- Location: Astoria
- Contact: @matthewcmoore or Friendster
What applications do you have open when you are working?
Photoshop, OmniGraffle, Text Wrangler, Illustrator
Which character on Mad Men do you feel as if you relate to the most and why?
Seriously? Maybe Peggy. Coming from meager means, trying to make a good life for herself. Everything except that getting pregnant part.
How does it feel to look like the 5 Hour Energy Guy?
It feels good. So good, I had to grow my hair out to diminish the resemblance!
If you could work with one other person here in NYC, who would it be?
I like working with people who share the same values for work, community, and making a difference beyond work. I think they are calling this a "Betterness" now. A team of skilled but humble people working on a great project is something that really gets me excited.