Featured on Nov 18, 2010
Iris Lam
"Um, let me ask you, is there a term besides 'Mexican' that you prefer? Something less offensive?"
Grew up on the farms of Wisconsin and now causing trouble in NYC. A finance turned fashion, now techy girl -- doing semantic technology. You can often find me: shopping on 5th Avenue, eating macaroons in Chelsea, in the office, or drinking while playing video games.
- Title: Biz Dev
- Age: 21
- Location: Flatiron District
- Contact: @arcusiris, irislam.com
You do business development at a semantic web company. Please define the semantic web in 140 characters.
Oh sh*t, that's a tough question. Even we argue about what the word semantic mean. Essentially it's all about linking data so that its easy to process on a large scale.
In your opinion, who is the most interesting person in the NY tech scene at this moment and why?
Besides me? That's easy. I have to attribute a large portion of my techiness to my friend Haonan Zhang. He's the guy that will attach a credit card reader to his phone to charge me $1.22 or send me payments only through Paypal. He's the guy that always sends me amazingly relevant articles to my inbox, even though it clutters my inbox. Plus, he's so awkward and is always biting social commentary. I love it. He's single too.
What are your thoughts on the NYTM? How many have you been to and what do you think of Nate?
I like the NYTM. They are always really interesting. I've only been to a couple, (I can't help my busy social calendar) but I think the whole team is neat. Nate? Yeah, I don't know him well. But he's good at organizing these events. Maybe one of these days I should introduce myself to him, haha.
Please finish this sentence. The best place in the City to have a lunch meeting is:
Eleven Madison Park for lunch. It's classy. They'll be wowed.