Featured on Jun 20, 2011
Andrea Harrison
"Please don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them. -Nico"
My first job on the internet was in 1996, my agency was hired to build an online database so scientists could order genetically altered mice for disease research. Since then I’ve blazed a trail through a couple of mutual fund companies (Scudder & Fidelity) a couple of start-ups (mutualfunds.com and NetRaker) and 6 years at Razorfish NYC. I’ve always focused on the intersection of digital strategy, marketing and consumer behavior. My current position at PepsiCo is to help lead digital strategy including paid, owned and social media for the trademark Pepsi beverage brands. I’m incredibly passionate about how consumers are becoming more in tune with technology and the effect it’s having on media consumption and brand loyalty.
- Title: Director, Digital Engagement PepsiCo Beverages N.A.
- Location: SoHo
- Contact: @190east
Is your position at PepsiCo much different than the work you were doing at Razorfish? What’s your favorite thing about the work you do at Pepsi? Do you miss agency life?
My job at Pepsi is more hands on than when I was at Razorfish. Ideas tend to go from strategy to execution a lot more quickly which I love. I also get to work with some amazing and iconic brands on a daily basis, which inspires me to always deliver awesome consumer engagement. We’re really looking to evolve digital marketing beyond traditional impression to conversion ROI. Brand loyalty and preference is driven by consumer relationships and I’m really focused on how technology enables those relationships.
What makes for a good weekend?
Summer is a big time for beverage brands, so if I can stay off email for more than five hours at a time, that makes for a great weekend (only partially joking). I always try to cram my exercise into the weekend – spinning at Soul Cycle or riding my bike on the West Side. I have a two-year old yellow lab so roaming around Central Park chasing squirrels makes for good weekend fun. Napping liberally is also the key to a good weekend.
Current favorite New York based startup(s) and why?
Of course, all the start-ups at WeWork Labs are my favorites (shameless plug complete!). But seriously – there are so many incredible ideas out there it’s hard to narrow them down to favorites. I see a lot of potential brand engagement with Shelby.TV, GroupMe and Simple Reach. I love Onswipe and how their technology is changing web publishing. I also really like what Alex Iskold is doing at Get Glue – specifically the data correlations between check-ins and box office/ratings.