Featured on Jan 23, 2012
Farryn Weiner
"U R what you URL."
Adventure Capitalist. Social Media Samurai. Photo Journalist. Badass Blogger. Monkey Connoisseur. Adrenaline Junkie. Asian Food Expert. Lover of 14-hour plane rides. Dance Fiend.
- Title: Director of Media for Michael Kors
- Age: 26
- Location: West Village
- Contact: @Jetsetfarryn, JetsetFarryn.com
You're quite busy. You’re currently the Director of Media for Michael Kors, corresponding for Huffington Post, Dubset.com and Jetsetter.com, developing your thesis at NYU on New Media in a Global Context, blogging at Jetsetfarryn.com, and managing the band Pink Cashmere. What's a typical day like for you and how do you manage your time between so many different projects?
Really? Do I do all that!? My day can range from your standard 9 to 5 (more like 9 to 9) – developing social campaigns, working on new digital initiatives, testing out the latest technology and platforms – to shooting a wedding in the middle of a village in India or covering the press pit at Coachella. No day is typical, and that’s the best part. Social Media is social – it's about transparency and flexibility, so interacting with the world comes with the territory.
You’re an avid traveler. Outside of Jetsetter, are there any apps that you use to plan for traveling or out while you’re traveling that you’d recommend to others?
I'm a big fan of TripIt. They alert you of flight delays at least 15 minutes before the airline announces it... every single time. Dropbox is the best invention of all time. I can access my files, images, documents from anywhere in the world. I also love Instagram, North Face Trailhead, Photosynth and Shazam (you'd be surprised, it's awesome at recognizing Hindi music).
You mention that you’re an adrenaline junkie. What kind of things get your adrenaline running?
Climbing a volcano in Chile, sleeping on the border of Pakistan, skydiving in South Africa... you know, the usual.