Featured on Oct 28, 2011
Michelle McCombs
"Be open to (almost) anything!"
I got into Tech the same way I get into most things; I wandered in, thought this is neat, realized I could do it and fell in love with it. I started out my career at Disney Online in California, then I moved to New York, took a position at a women's business accelerator and am now interested in startups and helping them build out world class customer service and community engagement philosophies.
- Title: Community Operations Manager at JumpThru.net
- Age: 27
- Location: Flatiron District
- Contact: @mecell22
You mention in your bio that you ended up falling in love with tech. Can you talk a bit about what exactly you love about the field?
I love seeing the amazing things we can do and create today because of technology. I love the connections you can make with people from all over, through social media, games or purchases. Tech is connecting the world and being a part of that is exciting.
You’re only 27, and you’ve been able to visit 48 out of the 50 states. What’s your favorite state thus far and why? When did you decide that you wanted to visit all 50?
I am in love with North Carolina. I am not retiring anytime soon, but I know that when I do, it will be there. It is the perfect mix of California casualness and east coast vibrancy. The decision to see all 50 states wasn't mine initially, my parents love road trips so when I was a child we would spend time each summer driving and exploring different parts of the countries, and one day I decided to complete the list and started traveling more. So, I like to think it's a hereditary thing.
You now work at JumpThru, which is a company that accelerates the founding and success of women-owned companies that use the Internet to offer new product and services to women. How did you end up making the jump across country to work at JumpThru?
I got married. That's the short answer. The long one is that my husband was accepted to study at Columbia University so I made the move with him. Then through my personal network of friends, I got a tip about the opening at JumpThru and fell in love with the idea and goals of the company.