Featured on Feb 10, 2011
Amber Rae
"Be consistent in your why and life will always fall into place."
I'm a free-spirited dreamer, doer, thinker and creator who follows my heart and challenges conventional wisdom. My first profitable business idea came at five, around the time I started playing with computers. An internet and psychology book nerd, I launched an inspiring online magazine at 12 which provoked my obsession with digital publishing. A year ago, I quit my job at a tech-start up in San Francisco, sold my car and belongings, gave all but 12 outfits to charity and jumped on a plane to New York City with one suitcase, a laptop, and a dream. From coming up with creative ideas for Photojojo and Tumblr to co-founding what the New York Times calls "The Fraternity of the Wired Works in the Wee Hours" (aka New York Nightowls), it's been a memorable year. Most recently, I was selected from an application pool of hundreds to help Seth Godin and Amazon reinvent publishing with The Domino Project. I just beta-launched my passion project, revolution.is, which curates weekly stories of change-makers and culture-shapers who take initiative, trust their gut, and create revolutions in their work. My life mission is inspiring people to pursue their passions and act on their deepest ambitions. #YAY.
- Title: chief evangelist, The Domino Project; co-founder, New York Nightowls; founder, revolution.is
- Age: 25
- Location: Upper West Side
- Contact: hey amber rae
Last month you asked your Twitter friends “What fear is holding you back?” In your tumblr post where you discuss the answers that you had received, however, you never actually say what fear is holding you back. So... What fear is holding you back, Amber Rae?
It's hard to answer this question when I don't actually feel held back... but for the sake of the question, I fear moving so fast and doing so much that I don't take enough time to slow down and reflect on the moment. To take in the beauty of the day and appreciate everything happening around me. To tell my family that I love them and feel grateful for their unconditional support. New York runs fast, and I love it that way, but sometimes it's necessary to slow down and take a deep breath. To feel amongst the rush of getting things done.
In the bio section of your website, you mention that upon arriving in New York for the first time you experienced a feeling that no city has ever inspired. What was your itinerary during that first trip to New York?
Itineraries and Amber do not get along very well. So I didn't have one. I just went to New York, without expectations for what might happen. I wanted to experience the answer and see if the city felt right. And it did. The energy and passion of New York spoke to my heart and within two hours of arriving in the city I knew it was my place. I decided at that moment that I'd move to New York in the next six months and I did just that. When something feels right, and my heart tells me to do it, I listen. Period.
If you saw your own list of things you wanted to do before you died when you were a child, what do you think you’d think of your future self? Anything that you remember that you wanted to do or accomplish as a child that’s missing from this current list?
First off, I definitely don't think too far into the future. I'm much more of an enjoy today, have ideals to strive toward, be consistent in why you do what you do and enjoy the ride. I'm pretty much exactly the same as I was when I was five years old. I'm very ambitious, philosophy/belief/purpose driven, free-spirited in nature and always ready. This list has been culminating and building since I was a child. I only recently put it into words.
revolution.is is a personal project of yours where you’ll soon be curating weekly stories of change-makers and culture-shapers. Do you have a list of individuals in mind to get revolution.is started? Who is at the top of your list?
I feel lucky to have 25 stories from people who've inspired me and touched my life. From tech founders to world travelers to fashion designers to photographers and more, their amazingly honest and thought-provoking perspectives rock my world. Those at the top of my list who I haven't yet gotten in touch with include Frank Chimero, Shepard Fairey, and Jay-Z.
You’re the chief evangelist for The Domino Project. In what ways do you accomplish the task of evangelizing The Domino Project?
I live what we do, I spread what I believe, and I find and invite those who are passionate about what we're doing to do the same. Together, we're spreading powerful ideas to people who care.