Featured on Sep 08, 2011
Dan Kozikowski
"Blessed are the forgetful for they get the better even of their blunders. - Nietzsche"
Got degrees in Computer Science and Philosophy. Forgot how to program. Joined an early-stage cleantech company, EnerNOC. Fell in love with the thrill of building something from the ground up. Joined Transmitive to do it all over again.
- Title: Director of Business Development, Transmitive
- Age: 28
- Location: West Village
- Contact: @dfkoz
How did you know it was time to make the transition from EnerNOC to Transmitive in your personal career?
During my month-long honeymoon in Spain in October of 2010, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted out of my career. I came to realize two things: first, what gets me most fired up is building something from the ground up. Second, if I wanted to roll the dice on a startup, it would be best to do so before kids enter the picture. So, even though I was still having a lot of fun at EnerNOC, I knew that the time to make the leap had finally come.
What’s your dream vacation?
I just returned from an amazing vacation in Moab, Utah. I spent a week hiking, mountain biking, canoeing, and camping with my three best friends from high school. My dream vacation, though, involves a lot fewer mosquitoes -- traveling through Europe by train. I’d check out the biggest cities and the smallest towns, spending as much time as possible walking, reading at cafes, eating at restaurants, and meeting interesting people. Two of my favorite moments from previous trips have been an early-morning stroll through the vineyards outside of Laguardia, Spain, and discovering a pub near our hotel in Rome that was run by a loquacious Kiwi and attracted English speakers from around the world. There are countless more experiences like that waiting for me across Europe (and the world, for that matter.)
You mention on a number of your online profiles that you’re a foodie. What are some of your favorite places to eat near the Transmitive HQ?
Midtown can be tough. I was spoiled by EnerNOC's office on Wall Street, which has an incredible number of interesting places nearby. That said, there are certainly a few finds near our Columbus Circle HQ. A reliable spot for lunch or dinner is A Voce in the Time Warner Center. For a quick lunch I’d probably go with ‘wichcraft (gruyere & caramelized onions, or the roasted turkey), Bouchon Bakery (expensive but delicious), or Burrito Box (quick sandwich). And, of course, I’m always open to suggestions!