Featured on Mar 17, 2011
Manny Mars
"Embrace competition. Its here to stay... and thank goodness for that."
I'm the Co-founder of Feengo, we're a platform that allows people to engage in purposeful networking with one another. It evolves with individuals of all social pursuits, as their lifestyles, and the world around them changes. There's nothing like creating something simply out of sheer frustration with whats currently available. I think the birth of Feengo is a true testament to that. New York is a great hub of inspiration, with so many talented and innovative - game changing - entrepreneurs, many of whom I'd like to work with.
- Title: Co-Founder, Feengo
- Age: 23
- Location: Rego Park
- Contact: @marsmanny, Manny Mars
You mention that New York is a great hub of inspiration. What or who inspires you these days?
People who create the things that make you justify with yourself as to why you need it.. The stuff you find yourself saying, I wish I thought of that, and overall, the ideas brought to life that get you excited about using them from day to day, and augment your social experiences.
Foursquare has really changed the way I think about social networking, they have a great team, and the dedication to bringing a great product to users really shows. Here, take a look and join!
The Simande team! I think they are very innovative, and have proven themselves to be more than relevant within the New York Tech community.
Kyle Bragger (@kylebragger) - he makes Forrst and Streak.ly. I would highly recommend developers and designers apply for a membership. Streakly is a part of my life, daily! It's the first thing I'm on in the morning. I'd love to work with them in the future..!
Gary Vaynerchuck (@garyvee) is a motivator extraordinaire! Definitely a 'no excuse' kind of guy. Working crazy hours on your startup is what you signed up for, but sometimes you just feel like knocking out! ok, not sometimes, all the time! Most -normal- people drink a redbull, coffee, or 5 hour energy when they need a jolt... Just watching one of his keynotes does the job. Gary's work ethic just makes sense, he's definitely an inspiration. Check out his latest: Book - Thank You Economy | App - Daily Grape | Brand Building - Vayner Media.
Personal Inspirations have been Kurt Wilms (@thekurt), whom I've been grateful to have had the chance to chat with, and get some great insight from... John O'Nolan (@johnonolan), extremely talented designer & entrepreneur...very down to earth and definitely not a "yes" man.
You are a serious fan of Apple. What is your favorite Apple product and why?
Once upon a time I was a Windows/RIM guy (then again, who wasn't) When the first iphone launched, I'll admit, I jumped aboard just due to sheer momentum. I ended up going back to Blackberry simply because I got bored (looking back I realize I didn't truly appreciate its utility). I ignored every ipod launch, & mac launch...I was just unimpressed. Then, the MacBook Pro was born! Instantly, I was sold! From the OS, to the hardware, the immaculate features..and even the (not so small) small things, like the magnet charging port. The Macbook Pro became my gate way drug to all things Apple .
Can you give us some details on the members of the Feengo team and how the group was brought together?
Feengo was born out of frustration and necessity. It starts with Stephen, -Brother & CEO - a 3am call to me with a complaint, and a concept.
Problem: Why can't we find individuals with whom we truly want to establish
meaningful connections with in a social walks of life?
Solution: We would create a web service that addressed all of our networking needs and that of others. Feengo! After discussing several details, I thought it was a great concept, and wanted to work with him. We established Feengo, Inc. in January of 2010. Soon after we added two talented founders, Andre (CFO) and Luis, (Designer) then joined up with a great group on engineers.
Currently we are working on solving a problem within a unique niche market - Higher education. We want to establish an authentic, innovative, social experience within this market.