Featured on Jan 08, 2013
Jonathan Wasserstrum
"Everything is better with a brass section or buffalo sauce."
Born in California, raised in Texas, Emory for college, and then a handful of years in DC dodging politicos before moving to NYC for Columbia Business School. I have a background in Commercial Real Estate and love it as an industry. I always wanted to try my hand at startups so TheSquareFoot is my personal Venn diagram of happiness.
- Title: Co-Founder, TheSquareFoot
- Age: 29
- Location: West Village
- Contact: @jmwass
Starting your own company isn't easy. Who and/or what has been your biggest resource / most helpful person while getting TheSquareFoot up and running?
My family and friends. They have been extremely encouraging and supportive in innumerable ways as we have gone down the path with TheSquareFoot.
In your Twitter bio you call yourself a temporary New Yorker. Why are you currently based here and when are you planning on leaving us? What are some of your favorite places to eat and hang out here in NYC?
I wound up in NYC when I started business school in the fall of 2010. I have no imminent plans of leaving, NYC is an awesome town...especially for startups. It's been a tremendous environment to be a part of while working on TheSquareFoot.
Favorite places to eat is a really tough question, I almost never go to the same place twice. Two places that I do readily go back to though are Pure Thai Cookhouse and Totto Ramen. As far as hanging out goes, I can usually be found at any of a numer of watering holes in the West Village.
What's your day-to-day like?
It's pretty cliche in startups but there is no typical day-to-day. I spend a lot of time working on business development initiatives and general strategy issues...and of course thinking about what's for dinner.