Featured on Sep 12, 2011
Sloane Berrent
"My heart is in the work - Andrew Carnegie"
I was the kid who started a recycling program for my school in the fourth grade and who created an all-school volunteer day in high school. It was a natural progression to end up in nonprofits. I was also always an early adopter to pretty much everything – still am – technology, music, travel. The real fun started when I began to combine both - social media with fundraising and specifically strategic partnerships between brands and nonprofits. I have lived a bit of all over in my adult life, Vermont, Pittsburgh, Boston, Los Angeles, New Orleans and now super excited to be in New York. I did a year-long sabbatical in 2009 and traveled to over 11 countries and volunteered along the way – including a 3-month fellowship with Kiva.org in the Philippines. I started The Causemopolitan in 2009 because while I had been blogging since 2005 as an editor for LAist.com, I wanted a spot online to call my own and really focus on what I call cause-filled living. The act of building a bit of cause into your life every day. I have created lots of cause campaigns and awesome projects the last few years including Cause It’s My Birthday, Gulf Coast Benefit, Help A Woman Out and NOLAlicious. Currently, I’m loving life as Vice President of Digital Marketing for Lippe Taylor and its sister agency ShopPR, both communications and public relations agencies that focus on marketing with women. To make life a bit more interesting, I’m also in the process of planning a wedding and in grad school part-time at NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service getting my Masters of Public Administration.
- Title: Vice President, Digital Marketing at Lippe Taylor and ShopPR
- Age: 31
- Location: Union Square
- Contact: @sloane, The Causemopolitan
You mention on your website that you “strive to be inspired every day by someone or something else.” Who have you found to be inspiring that you’d recommend those in New York’s tech community follow?
Actually the way I say it is "strive to inspire or be inspired." So I think there is inspiration everywhere. I really appreciate the creative class in New York and the ability to go, see and explore with friends. So for example, putting myself in a physical place or neighborhood that is new or different and seeing what kinds of creative thoughts come up. Two recent adventures come to mind - Sleep No More and the BMW Guggenheim Lab. In terms of reading and people in particular to follow - I don't have a clear answer for that. I'm a collector of information and experiences so I'm always on the hunt for what that next surge of inspiration is going to be and part of the fun is that it changes all the time.
What is your fondest memory as a child?
Is it incredibly nerdy if I say school? I really just loved school as a kid. I went to a great K-8 and I remember at the end of every day when you walked out of the building you had to shake your homeroom teacher's hand. But of course,a since I loved all my teachers I would walk through and shake all of my past teacher's hands too. My older sisters, who often picked me up, love to tell the story that I was the last kid out of the building every day. I was at a school that was going co-ed one grade level at a time and I was the first co-ed class to graduate. So I'm somewhat used to being in an environment that is always changing and having to adapt - like digital is today - I think about that a lot now actually and how my education really prepared me to embrace change and be a leader.
What is your favorite part about your job at Lippe Taylor and ShopPR?
Number one is my team and the company culture. I am surrounded by some of the most smart and forward-thinking, but also genuine and fun people I've ever had the opportunity to work with. We have a really gorgeous and creative office space, with an open floor plan and tall ceilings with big windows that is just hands down a great space to walk into in the morning. My other favorite part is the work - it really is. Leading digital within an integrated agency means I'm always in brainstorms or client meetings and change hats a lot of times during the course of the day. I like that variety, I appreciate that each client has their own set of goals and objectives and that being in a mid-sized agency we really customize every program, that makes every day exciting for me.