Featured on May 11, 2011
Nam Nguyen
"I'm opening a doggy day care before I die."
Marketing and Business Development @ Aviary.com. Owner of Pubby.info and has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis on ECommerce Systems from San Francisco State University. Aint no lie - I crave an egg mcmuffin + 2 hash browns from Sunday 9am to Sunday 10:30am.
- Title: Marketing and Business Development, Aviary
- Age: 24
- Location: East Village
- Contact: @namslam
Aviary is an awesome New York startup that was founded in 2007. What’s your favorite part about working there?
It's impossible to narrow it to just one thing - but if I had to, I'd say my favorite part about Aviary is that everyone on the team empowers each other to take action and get stuff done. I also enjoy hitting Madison Square Garden with paper airplanes from the balcony, eating all the hummus and pita chips from the pantry, giving @alextaub a beat-down in FIFA11 on a daily basis, laughing at my co-workers laughing at me laugh, and most importantly, being a part of image-editing history!
You seem to mention food often online. What are some of your favorite places to eat around the Aviary HQ (Chelsea/Midtown West)?
I'm going to go ahead and rephrase that to the corner of 7th and 30th. I'm the king souper fan of the Midtown Hale and Hearty (relevant), but it's really by default. I'd like to take this time to express how tasteless and mediocre food is in Midtown. WIth that said, Mooncake has a sweet salmon lunch spesh and Loving Hut has a tasty vegan mac n' cheese. No further comment.
What’s a typical day like for the guy who does Marketing and Business Development at Aviary? What’s usually the first thing you do when you get to the office?
The first 5 minutes of my day starts like this - Brewing up a fresh cup of instant donut flavored coffee, clearing out the emails, sending more emails, laughing at emails, conversing with my next-desk neighbor about how neat the latest @worth1000 gallery was, ordering an unhealthy scrambled egg + ham + american cheese on a roll from my beloved Mr. Bagel Maven (I added the Mr. - makes him feel more like a friend).
In all seriousness, my current focus is working with partners to continue helping Aviary power the world's creativity (aka getting our sweet tools up and running on their websites). It's pretty awesome.