Featured on May 03, 2011
Ben Fisher
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson"
Ben's an interaction designer, hacker, and entrepreneur. His expertise bridges the chasm between "What if we..." and "Done!" He caught the Internet bug at an early age, interning at an interactive agency in middle school and co-founded his own in high school. He navigated the adult business world mostly through trial and error, quickly learning real‐world experience is the best teacher of all. Most recently, Ben co-founded the Lean Startup Machine and Adopt A Hacker.
He has more than a decade of experience in the digital space, working with award-winning brands such as Burger King, Volkswagen, Hilary Duff, and The FoodNetwork. His work and startup projects have been featured in Forbes, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb but (luckily) not yet the tabloids.
Ben wants to meet people who are relentlessly curious, creative, fun and hell-bent to make a difference in the world.
- Title: Interaction Designer + Hacker-preneur
- Age: 26
- Location: Upper East Side
- Contact: @SkinnyAndBald
What’s your favorite place to eat in the Upper Eastside? Now that you’re a member at WeWork Labs, have you found any favorite restaurants in SoHo?
(A) Blockheads. I'm a sucker for a good Grilled Chicken Burrito. (B) The new We Work Labs beer-keg is a favorite.
You are one of the co-founders of Adopt A Hacker, which is focused on bringing more hackers to the NY Tech Scene. In your opinion, what makes the New York tech scene special at this time? Or in another words, sell us on why you think hackers should move here.
New York City is the perfect environment for a hacker because there are so many industries to get inspiration from and to find people to collaborate with----there's a lot of talent with deep domain-expertise that'd benefit from new ways to apply technology. It's exciting how the scene's evolving here. It's a close-knit, social community with lots of new spaces popping up to accommodate and incubate collaboration and new ideas. And when you're ready to check it out, Adopt A Hacker is here to greet you.
Can you tell us something about yourself that we cannot find ourselves via Google?
My stage name is DJ Fish.