Featured on Apr 27, 2011
Dorothy Jean
"Shake and bake."
I work in tech PR and love discovering and helping to build the next big thing.
I've worked with B2B and consumer clients ranging from startups like GroupMe and Zong to established corporations like IBM, eBay and Sony, and particularly love working with companies that are Web, mobile or media-related.
My Meyers-Briggs personality type is ENFP - which means I’m generally a happy people person who is excited by new ideas.
Don't be fooled by my last name; I'm Taiwanese by background. Was born and raised on Long Island, studied Cognitive Science at Yale and have been in NYC ever since.
- Title: VP, Brew Media Relations
- Age: 29
- Location: SoHo
- Contact: @dorothy_jean
What’s a typical day like at a PR agency that focuses on tech and startups?
A typical day at Brew is unpredictable; it's inherently a fast-paced environment because it is so tied to the media and the 24/7 news cycle, so we have a newsroom-like set-up. We are always trying to stay ahead of the news and insert the voices of our clients where it is strategically advantageous. So we are constantly talking to our clients and the media, and we are glued to online media, blogs and Twitter to stay on top of what's new and what's news.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now for a month long vacation, where would you go?
I'd like to say that I'd be really adventurous and go climb Mount Kilimanjaro, or go to India and work in a small village... But honestly if I suddenly had the next four weeks off, I would probably be most satisfied by immediately going to Washington DC to see my 18 month old nephew!
You mention that you’re the kind of person who is excited by new ideas. Do any particular industries or fields interest you? Are you currently working on any projects of your own?
Well of course I love the tech world and how it is constantly innovating. Reality television also has an amazing way of coming up with impressively horrifying new shows that I must watch...
Myself, I started studying improv last year which is a really fun way to learn how to push your own boundaries and come up with fresh ideas on the spot. Next I want to start learning Ruby or Python because I want to be able to build the things I think of, but the programming classes I took in college 10 years ago (yikes) really aren't getting me anywhere. I'm painting some canvases at home so I can decorate my walls with original (and cheap) art. Some of my family members and I have also been talking about writing a book together. And some of us have been talking about opening a restaurant. So yeah, I guess there are a few projects I'm working on!